A Brief Study in the Tactics of
Our Unseen Enemy
1.0 ~ The Background Realities of Human Suffering
The larger human picture, (background and foreground) is not that hard to grasp. And yet, most of us really never do. Perhaps it’s that generational thing. Every time a generation kinda’ figures it out, before you know it, they’re all dead. Then we have to start all over in the next generation, trying to make ourselves, once again, broadly and accurately aware of that experiential picture which we typically just call - "life."
Or, maybe our struggle to understand life accurately simply lies in our willing
ignorance. It seems that many of us share the feeling that if we know
something, then we come under some obligation to act on what we know.
So, if we don’t want to be bothered, then we just don’t bother to know. Thus, we often merely bury our head in the sands of life’s blinding tedium as a means of escaping the responsibility of that "knowing."
But be all of that as it may, for those who are courageous enough to take in
the larger human landscape, there is a more truthful perspective to be had.
And, that larger view does allow us to see far beyond the more simplistic life
interpretations. As a prime example, it allows us to quickly move
past the assumption that our competing social and political philosophies are
just a ho-hum part of our world.
Rather, the more sophisticated view of our reality accurately places these
competing philosophical approaches into the context where they truly belong. It
understands them to be a very real extension of that ever raging war between
God and Satan, between the Light and the
Indeed, that cosmic conflict has been an ingrained part of the human experience from our very beginning. And, that sophisticated view of life calls us to understand the background dynamics of all of our human confrontations. And, for those who want to understand those dynamics, the jumping off point is at a very simple and very basic question. And, that question is this: "What is Truth?"
And, here is the short and simple answer. Truth is merely the
correct interpretation of reality.
The nature of the truth is really that simple. Truth is only ever just the discovery
of reality as it actually is. So, all we have to do to arrive at truth is
correctly interpret reality - right?
But wait! Therein lies the human dilemma. The real difficulty lies not in
knowing the definition of truth, but in actually achieving what that definition
specifies. It is in the fog of our varied interpretations of reality where we
typically lose our way in our truth quest.
And, that is understandable since you and I were never meant to be the authoritative interpreters of reality. Rather, God has always reserved that role for Himself – and rightly so.
the brightest human beings are pitifully under-qualified to define true
morality, true right or wrong, true good or evil. We simply do not have the
capacity to make those calls authoritatively. Our view of reality is
simply too limited both in its perspective and its breadth
Thus, God requires that we trust Him and embrace, through Christ, His values
and the interpretations of life (truth) which are distilled by those
divine values. The Bible refers to our awareness of
those divine values and their resulting interpretations as "Light."
And, it refers to the absence of an awareness of those things as "Darkness."
Obviously, it also follows then, that in man's God-given capacity to make
autonomous decisions and choices there does exist space for us to make alternative
interpretations of reality which differ from God's - bogus though
they may be. And, it's these alternative interpretations which
then begin to compete with God’s view of things. And this, in turn, gives rise to a relational rift with God. And that conflict is all about one very
central question. "Who actually gets to be the
authoritative truth-giver?"
The roots of this conflict can be traced all the way back to the mind of Satan.
This idea that there can be legitimate alternatives to God's view of good
and evil originated there. And, Satan then passed it on to mankind through his
treacherous temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
His false promise to the first couple was this, "You shall be like God, knowing good and evil." Essentially, he was telling them you can become your own truth-giver, your own interpreter of reality.
What he did not tell the first couple was that their “knowledge of good and evil” was not a knowledge based in a broad and accurate awareness of reality, as is God's. Rather, theirs was a subjective determination of good and evil - entirely based only in their very limited and ever changing personal perspectives. In other words, Satan offered a view of reality no longer based in God's omniscient understanding of life.
Instead, "Good" became, "What seems good to me in this moment." And, "Evil" became, "What seems evil to me in this moment."
When Adam and Eve chose to embraced
this competing truth-giver status and interpret reality for themselves, their
relationship with their benevolent Creator was immediately poisoned by the inclusion of this chronic and out-of-bounds disagreement of hearts. And, so was also their
relationship to each other by the same poison. For now, they no longer
shared, even among themselves, a common world view based in God's singularly
trustworthy divine truth.
Through the first couple, the whole of mankind was then infected with this dark
inclination which was essentially, self-determination.
And this was exactly what Satan intended to achieve. In effect, the
arch-demon created a complete equilibrium of truth, where, in
man's mind, the supremacy of God's interpretations of
reality was entirely lost. Thus, not only was a trusting and peaceful
relationship with God broken, but simultaneously chaos, confusion, and an
interpersonal hyper-competitiveness also began to darken the landscape of the
human experience.
So, through Satan's treacherous temptation, mankind became completely infected
with this prime inner motive, the motive of self-determination,
in his desire to be his own truth-giver. And, it is now this inner heart
motive which still clearly marks and identifies the children of the Darkness -
Satan's converts.
And, indeed, it is this rebellious motive which, in essence, is a declaration
of self-sovereignty, which is the essential sin
essence within the heart of the yet un-redeemed. And it is
from the influence of this powerful inner drive for self-determination that all actual acts of
sin then spring.
Thus, it is this heart motive which will unavoidably become the first issue on the last day. Long before our actual works will be weighed in God's judgement balances - the presence of this motive in our heart (the precise opposite of the faith motive) will already have sealed our eternal fate.
Thus, it is this dark motive of self-determination which the
redemptive work of Christ first and most urgently targets. Obviously, the
omniscient mind of God easily understands, "Solve this
self-determination problem, and all else all but solves itself under the
empowering touch of the Living Savior."
Nevertheless, even at this late hour in redemptive history, much of humanity
remains lost in the dark delusions of what might be very accurately called, the
satanic encouragement to embrace their own "designer
truth." Indeed, anecdotal evidence clearly indicates
that the larger populace of the world, even now, uses only their own
interpretations of life's circumstances to self-determine their philosophical
issues, life choices, and personal directions, etc.
But, aware or not, they do so at devastating expense to their relationship to God. The Self-determined Life Approach (my will be done in my life) is the exact opposite of the more humble, Faith Life Approach (God's will be done in my life.) So, that former approach incurs real spiritual peril for it's victim.
2.0 ~ The Foreground Outflows of These Background Realities
And, because most in the world simply choose to trust in their own interpretive sufficiency as opposed to God's, they become easy pray for Satan's treacherous employment and victimization. Thus, they become his dupes - the unwitting servants of his chaos, confusion, hyper-competition and interpersonal disagreement.
Just as Satan always intended, these are just the natural results of an existence where all truth, everyone's interpretation of every circumstance of reality, carries equal weight and value with their counterparts' - and even with God's. Thus, the self-determined ever serve Satan's ends in this broken world. And, through these deluded human pawns, Satan's Dark Demonic Economy finds an easy means to repeatedly and brutally insert itself into the human philosophical and political landscape with always the same horrible results.
And sadly, humanity, now being widely devoid of the more accurate awareness provided by the divine interpretations, repeatedly and broadly fails to recognize the onslaught of Satan's violent treachery for what it truly is. Nevertheless, these times of widespread upheaval and bloodletting are not complicated occurrences. They are simply demonic incursions of completely vile spiritual evil into the physical dimension, operating in and through their human henchmen and dupes.
And, indeed, these human instruments are of the sadist sort. Believing themselves to be serving their own self-determined agenda, they have no idea, in most cases at least, that they are actually serving the brutal ends of their cruel demonic masters. And that, always at the huge expense of their own species.
Thus, in generation after generation, the Darkness is able to recreate times of
extreme violence and devastation in the human experience. And, this
remains true, even though the Darkness never really bothers to change its
essential process or individual tactics.
For example, always, the mind of the Darkness comes with a prospectus for some
delusional noble cause, the worth of which supposedly justifies the hateful and
often bloody means which are required to achieve it. Then, using this cause of
twisted and/ or exaggerated worth, the Darkness tempts those deluded human
instruments, who fancy themselves somehow entitled, and even obligated, to do
the treacherous bidding of this demon inspired cause.
And, eventually, the Darkness always points to some straw demon at which their
hateful energies must be directed. And so, the satanic encouragements
come. "Hate the black man, or the white man, or the rich man, or
the capitalist, or the Jew, or the Christian, etc., etc., etc., “for they
threaten our noble agenda.”
And, when the Darkness has gained strategic positioning and has enticed enough
gullible, or disgruntled, or ner-do-well foot soldiers to its delusional
cause, it always turns militant. And predictably, it
begins to demand submission from non-subscribers on pain of severe
3.0 ~ The Mature Intrusion
In this stage of its offensive, the Darkness becomes the open oppressor. The
cloak of pretense is cast away. And those human soldiers who have given
themselves to the Darkness are now forced to abandon, altogether, any lingering
shred of questioning conscience. Now, they are forced to follow even the
cruelest extremes of the Darkness. And so, they do. They consummate
the final sale of their soul by this final level of mindless obedience
- more, at this point, to protect themselves than to achieve any
"noble" purpose.
So, by the time these consuming fires of pure evil are finished, even
those who initially fanned their flames are being destroyed by them. And,
one more time, the Darkness celebrates the success of its bloody intrusion into
the human experience, while standing on the new graves of freshly slaughtered
4.0 ~ A Tragic Drama of Treachery and Gullibility
In the 1930’s, Adolf Hitler, took his place in a long line of dark-hearted human apostles who have served the Darkness in this way over the course of history. And, he obediently followed this exact pattern. His "noble cause" was to bring into being a German supremacy – an Aryan Race who "deserved" to rule over the Earth.
And, to that cause, he drew his dupes of the Darkness – the Nazi rank and file.
And, he directed their manufactured hatred toward his straw demons, especially
the Jewish people, among others.
Eventually, the ranks of Hitler’s Nazi Party, devout and ready to unknowingly
serve the concealed mind of Satan through Hitler became sufficiently powerful to capture the German government. And predictably, as always, with sufficient positioning
and numbers came that militant phase. So, they began reprisals, including
outright murder, against all who opposed their “noble agenda."
In the course of this offensive from Hell, millions died. And six million
defenseless Jews, from little innocent boys and girls, to their mothers and
fathers, to feeble old men and women were callously butchered by these deluded,
servants of the Darkness. And, it was all in the name of their “righteous
cause” - essentially Hitler's deluded perspective on good and evil - the Nazi
version of "truth."
And then, roughly contemporary with the Nazi madness, Satan's evil economy of
darkness opened another offensive - this time, alighting on Russian soil in the
form of Marxist Communism. First, Vladimir Lenin became the new apostle
of the Darkness, spouting the new cause authored by Karl Marx: "Power
to the workers!" and pointing to the new straw man to hate and
Lenin targeted the scourge of the capitalist "Bourgeoisie" ruling
class. His twisted delusion was a world of matured "social
justice" ever enforced by the "dictatorship of the
proletariat," or working class.
Again, by means of political intrigues and murderous force, when the ranks of
his deluded followers became strong enough, Lenin made his militant move.
He then violently and mercilessly put down all opposition to his Marxist
"truth," his interpretations of reality - his version of good and
evil. And once more, from Lenin, to Stalin, even to our present-day Putin, the
bloodletting has continued wearing a human face but moved by a satanic mind.
In total, it is estimated that 100,000,000 graves have been dug around the
world to mark the blood path that this offensive of the Darkness has taken over
its decades. And still, that total continues to rise every day in
Ukraine, in Russia, itself, and far beyond
And, even as Russia has waned under the weight of its own infection by
Satan's Marxism offensive, yet, the arch-demon has still managed to sell that
philosophical snake oil to other parts of the planet. And, indeed, He found
many gullible converts to this hapless delusion in America. And, in that
completely counter intuitive success, perhaps never before in history has human
gullibility been more starkly underscored.
And so, this Devil Process began again in America.
And, sporting new names like Neo-socialism, Liberalism,
Progressivism, and Globalism the tentacles of the Darkness began again to
radiate outward.
And today, the Darkness has now begun to very forcefully deploy this aggregated
alignment of delusional Marxist groups and their media, academic, and money-men allies
under the more amalgamated banner of simply, The American Political
Its primary face is now the fully Marxist conscripted Democrat Party. And, its muscles are those bureaucratic Marxist and Islamic operatives (seen and unseen) now entrenched in the seats of power within the present American government - and to include the important nexus players such as Barack Obama, and big money-men, like as George Soros and Jeff Zuckerberg.
Thus, one more time, we see a deluded, devilish group who believe themselves to
be the entitled ones of the higher conscience in whom all wisdom
resides. And, true to form, at the behest of their demon handlers,
they have now gone through the typical developmental stages of this American
intrusion of the Darkness.
And now, as part of their final push for permanently ensconced power in America, they are employing those standard, final stage tactics of sedition like constant crisis creation, divide and conquer, character assassination, outright lies, pot-stirring, class bashing, overtly breaking and weaponizing our laws, vastly exaggerating social negatives, openly encouraging the disintegration of our primary institutions (like police and the Constitution), and using deceptive personal and organizational fronts - to name but a few.
And, they continue to loudly tout their "noble cause" of "social
justice throughout the global community" to cover their true
motive - which is still the same as it has always been. Indeed, this is
just one more thinly veneered attempt at a joint, man/demon power-grab.
And, as have been all the others before it, this effort is merely intended to establish yet another platform, an American platform, for the cruel domination of the human species. And, it's aimed toward the eventuality of the whole human species being made to universally serve the whims of the demonic Darkness and their treasonous, and thus, satanically well-favored human henchmen.
So, in truth, this is just one more in a long string of now typical satanic con jobs designed to diminish, bleed, and kowtow humanity. And, save its occupation of this present moment, this dark intrusion is not, in essence, one whit different from those which have preceded it.
Always, when the Darkness has violently inserted itself into this dimension, conditions become less socially just, not more. Always, prosperity of both soul and treasure is vastly diminished, never increased. And, stability, peace, human life, and valued human gains are broadly lost. And, if we do not defeat this present incursion, those outcomes will simply be replicated one more time.
But it is true. Many still just don't recognize this man/demon coalition of evil - largely due to the absence of the divine truth in their heart. Thus, they remain incapable of seeing this two dimensional picture with its duality of evil.
And, in their blindness, each day, spiritually sightless people move ever closer to the complete loss of their moral sanity, their hopefulness, their personal decency, and their truly noble aspirations. And sometimes, by the weight of their numbers, their blindness draws the rest of us into those devastating losses also. And now, may be such a time in America.
Indeed, if the present gravitation toward the empty promises of Marxism is not quickly arrested, there can be little doubt that all will be soon lost. And more graves, our graves, and the graves of our children, and the ash heap of America's national greatness will forever memorialize that widespread spiritual blindness and the fumbling failure to actually do the right thing on the part of those who could see.
5.0 ~ The Good Way Forward
But there is yet an opportunity, however brief, to do the right thing in America. We can again choose, to re-embrace God and the supremacy of His truth
by embracing the Lordship of the Living Jesus, including His values, the truth
those values distill, and His guiding daily companionship. And, in the
power and blessing of that truly devoted relational walk, we will be set
free from the domination of the Darkness - in our hearts and in our
Jesus said of His followers, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Indeed, we can be set free from the chaos of that devilish, self-determined life approach to walk amiably again with our Creator / Redeemer God who truly loves us.
And, in that thorough personal newness that He not only offers, but actually empowers through the Living Christ, we can confidently combat and conquer these violent intrusions of the Darkness - both as an individual and as a nation.
And, unlike those of America's Marxist subversives, God's promises are never empty. He can and will bring personal and national renewal if we freshly humble ourselves and respectfully reach out to Him in these troubled days.
"Call on Me and I will show you great and mighty
things." - God