China has the key to the safe which holds our intellectual and technological properties. And, our “worker bees” no longer do. They just stand by the mail box and wait for their government check.
So, the un-veneered reality seems to be this. Our once prosperous, stable, and world leading western democracy is now on the verge of spinning completely out of control – and maybe out of existence. And, how could we not, if this is the best leadership we can produce and the best citizens we can be.
My view of reality is that we are now in the throes of making a choice between "sour" or "sweet." It seems either we will choose to passively double down on the devilish liberal stupidity which brought us to this place. Or, we will decisively choose to return, with heart-felt respect, to the only being in the Universe big enough to avert this now imminent American catastrophe – that being Almighty God.
The root mistake which has spawned all of our national troubles is the belief that even the most minimal investment in God’s druthers satisfies Him. That is, however, a profoundly flawed interpretation of reality.
What's Missing 05/14/21
I’m a healthy 72 year old – for the moment. And, I have been in the ministry for almost
50 of those years. So yep, in this
suddenly new world, awash with tin-hearted whippersnappers, I’m pretty much a “dinosaur”
– and I know it. Nevertheless, for the last 5 decades now, I have been deeply
absorbed in what I consider an important and very noble pursuit, which is to
help people come to a true and enduring state of good-standing before God. And, in that long pursuit, I’ve learned to first
take stock of people’s ambient emotional condition to accurately estimate their
real readiness for that life-changing challenge.
A long time back, as is typical for dinosaurs, I learned that
there is, in fact, an emotional condition which necessarily precedes that life-transforming
faith decision. To truly embrace, through Christ, God’s values, His truth, and
His daily directions for one’s life, requires a real and driving “Desperation.”
It’s simple, really. Desperation
produces a profound level of humility.
This then, sets the stage for that truly redemptive faith decision – the
sincere determination to live a thoroughly humble life before God, going
forward, in those ways described above.
But, therein lies the problem of a wise ole’ dinosaur
walking amid a bunch of self-absorbed whippersnappers. I can clearly see, in my church, my community,
and my nation, that this driving desperation for God’s truly impactful
friendship is now widely missing.
And, this missing desperation for that renewing intervention
also means that the humility which enables that renewal is widely missing too. Thus, instead of vibrant faith, the much too
typical response to God in these times is ignorance, apathy, and/or minimal
But, not to worry.
The “remedy” is already on its way.
In the Biden administration, God has already found a happily willing
instrument which will soon cultivate that needed degree of desperation – at all
levels of American life.
So, at least for many, vibrant faith will soon be
occurring again. And, even some
whippersnappers might actually learn this very essential life-lesson: the importance of always desperately
pursuing, rather than casually dismissing, God’s favor.
The Lessons of 2020 11/16/20
So, let’s see, what have we learned in 2020. Well, certainly, we’ve learned that a good
virus is useful to most everyone. It’s
useful to the Chinese, Russians, and American Socialist to destroy the American
economy. It’s useful to ivory tower “experts”
as a means to their 15 minutes. It’s
useful to Andrew Cuomo to efficiently reduce the population of New York’s
Retirement Homes. And, it’s useful to
Democrats to generate illegal ballots in order to steal elections. And, it’s just generally useful, because it
is so easily repeated, as needed.
We’ve also learned that there’s really no difference between
mob violence and peaceful protests in the netherworld of the American liberal media. We’ve discovered that American laws only have
teeth in states colored red. And, we’ve
learned that D.C. is, indeed, the largest and most intractable “swamp” in the
continental US – or anywhere else, for that matter.
We’ve also learned that the deep state is not really that
deep. It’s actually quite visible in all
our halls of power on any given day.
We’ve learned that congressional hearings are really just made-for-TV
events to generate ratings for networks and narcissistic legislators.
We’ve also learned that Joe and Hunter Biden are absolutely
innocent of all charges – but only if Joe actually succeeds to the
presidency. We’ve learned that votes can
be bought with completely empty promises; and, that the phrase “well-informed
voter” is typically a contradiction in terms in many of our larger cities.
We’ve learned that China is really not our friend. But, we’ve also learned that, as bad as they
are, they’re still better cohorts than are Washington Democrats. At least they
generate revenues, instead of wasting them.
And, we have finally discovered in 2020, what post-election
street celebrations are supposed to celebrate.
Apparently, they’re for celebrating a return to the disintegration of
the rule of law, bureaucratic Apartheid, "legally" corrupted elections, the
weaponization of our laws, the renewed corruption of government, a broken
economy, more smothering regulations, exponentially higher taxes, and the
international “chumphood” of America.
What we didn’t learn in 2020? Democrat deja vu = cascading national pain.
Nobility 10/28/20
The Model
Nobility is a trait to which people of every age have
traditionally aspired. But, nobility is
also a concept that is easily twisted into something that is, by no sane
definition, “noble.”
I believe this is what we are seeing on a widespread basis
in America today. I can find no nobility
in taking the lives and burning the property of others. I cannot find even an iota of nobility in
diminishing law enforcement in a society because criminals are inadvertently harmed
in the act of committing crimes. And, no
matter how noble sounding their name, there is nothing noble about militant
groups which abridge the right of others to peacefully speak their mind, choose
their governance, and pursue their personal version of happiness.
True nobility does not reside in mere sentiment. It resides in means and outcomes which can
stand up to the scrutiny of the larger moral reality. If one must dismiss that larger moral picture
to become noble in their actions, they are not noble, at all. They are deluded.
These days it seems, as a whole, our more recent generations,
are especially susceptible to the call of this kind of nobility which holds no
view of the larger reality. “Come join
the movement!” seems to be about all that’s needed to turn many of them into
mindless puppets, sold out to the money and whims of elitist social puppeteers who
then pull their strings as they see fit.
Our streets, our schools, our churches, and our government are
presently full of such character deficient people. And, the impact of their numbers has now
become “un-ignorable.” And, that will only
increase until we eventually succumb, if we cannot effect a widespread U-turn
back to principled personal behavior.
Indeed, from Wall Street, to our universities,
to Capitol Hill we have sold our national soul to the momentary and monetary
expedient – all, while God calls to us, in Christ, to return to the true safety
and fulfillment provided by His moral authority. Nevertheless, it’s likely that this Sunday, for
too many, “soccer” will still seem nobler than Sunday School.