Surely, There’s Another Way

I have little hope of actually gaining the President’s ear. But, should I, this would be my counsel.
I know that
we initially had no choice but to rely on so-called “experts.” But we must also bear in mind that these experts
come from the same pool who designed the medical models which were originally
so completely inadequate.
And, I would
confess that I have started to seriously question both the origins and motives
which are really driving this outlandish response to the virus. I don’t know when pandemonium became the antidote
for pandemic. The prescriptions of these
“experts” are so devastating to our way of life – and so completely
unnecessarily so.
So, I would
ask the President to consider this alternative path. Lose those universal stay-home orders and
just begin to stringently FOCUS ON AND PROTECT ONLY THE TRULY VULNERABLE. And, let our sturdier citizens immediately go
back to functioning normally in non hot-spot regions – but with seriously
enhanced behavior, such as personal distancing and heightened medical hygiene.
Then, for
those vulnerable, must-stay-home citizens, immediately raise up care-givers to
monitor their day-to-day well-being and serve their ordinary needs. This could be done efficiently by federally
bolstering and temporarily broadening access to the Home Health Care system – a
system already in wide use across the county.
And, we could easily raise up neighbor-to-neighbor and family
connections to help with monitoring and their practical needs like shopping.
approach would greatly protect our most vulnerable citizens. But, it would also leave the workforce,
essentially, intact and virtually unchecked.
The most vulnerable among us are not even in the workforce.
And, obviously,
we would need to continue to practice safe conduct such as personal distancing
etc. And, anyone who wanted to could
simply self-quarantine. But, those
measures would not be nearly so devastating to both the workforce and the
economy as what’s coming.
So, I would
advise the President that what we are presently doing just isn’t right. The coming, astronomically expensive bailout
could easily have the same impact on us as when President Reagan brought down the
Soviet Union in the 80’s – using the arms race, to spend them into oblivion.
A Circus

Yet, the destructive ideas of Marx just won’t die. In each
new generation, they find renewed vitality by feeding on naivety, ignorance,
and desperation. Like some killer virus,
Marxism continues to infect the unenlightened with the false promise of a
utopian society, where everyone will be completely safe and well cared for by a
just and benevolent socialist government.
And, the seditious tactics are always the same. First, cultivate the righteous anger of the
devotees. Then, show them the “bad guys.” Point out who or what they can hate. Then, direct these angry, disgruntled people
to demand change, to become militant activists, to strategically infiltrate a society
- its governing bodies, its educational system, its social organizations, its
religious groups, its media, etc.
Then, through those positions of influence, the Marxists begin
to gradually cut the threads, one unnoticed stitch at a time, until the society
finally begins to come apart. Then, out
of that chaos, a socialist oligarchy grabs power, reneges on their every
promise, and puts their murderous boot on the throat of any who oppose them.
Since World War II, one can easily observe this now well
advanced scenario successfully playing itself out in America. And this sedition will continue except we again
embrace what our founders understood very well: That a free nation must be
primarily governed by godly virtue in the heart of its citizens. Otherwise, government
intrusion will grow to fill that vacuum – gradually erasing all liberty.
Capitalism’s Bridge Too Far

To brutally oversimplify the capitalist idea, it’s where
everybody competes in the best way they can for the biggest share of the financial
pie they can get - and the Devil take the leavins’. And, that works fine for Ferrari Cars and refrigerators,
or any other such not-necessary-to-sustain-life products. Great, make all the stuff you can, sell all the
stuff you can, for all the money you can get – and, more power to you, Mr.
But, in a sane and just society, such motives must always
remain unacceptable regarding things which are necessary to sustain human life,
or its basic quality, such as drugs or medical care of that sort. And, herein
lies a huge, but very fixable, flaw in American capitalism. It is in mistakenly applying those
materialistic motives to moral issues: specifically, critical drugs and health
So, very mistakenly, the pharmaceutical industry presently
sees their exorbitant profits, literally extorted from desperate people, as
merely “business as usual” gains. And,
from pharmaceutical manufactures, to pharma investors, to, Pharmaceutical
Benefit Managers (industry middle men), to doctors who take kick-back’s to
prescribe new brands, to big insurance with constantly shrinking coverage, to
the best politicians the industry can buy – there is plenty of legitimate blame
to go around.
In truth, it is just morally wrong, even in a capitalistic
society for lawmakers and industry leaders to ignore the harm being inflicted
on the “little guys” simply because the “big guys” don’t have the ethical
acumen, or will, to see the difference between material issues and moral
The present posting of Consumer Reports notes that,
in 2019, 50 separate pieces of legislation aimed at lowering drug prices were
introduced in Congress. Yet, not one was
signed into law.
One More Election
When I was a boy, I spent no small amount of time trying to
master the art of spinning a top. I
would carefully wrap the string around the top, only to watch it flip and flop
out of control 9 times out of 10 when I threw it. But, on the rare occasion when it did actually
spin perfectly around its central axis, it was a joy to behold.
But, even when the top spun perfectly, one thing always
occurred. Near the end of its spin, the
top became noticeably unstable. It started
oscillating from one side to the other, just before it fell over onto its side
and stopped spinning altogether.
It strikes me that I am now seeing that same kind of
precursor movement embodied in the present impeachment actions of the congress. It seems obvious that this nation has
already lost the “axis of its spin” – which, for any nation, is its commonly
held values.
By definition, Conservatives cherish those established values
as laid out in our constitution and, to a lesser degree, in our widely shared
traditions: free speech, capitalism, etc. On the other hand, the Left easily dismisses,
and even militantly attacks, those long consecrated principles and traditions
to experiment with new (though not necessarily better) things like marxist
And, in these times, the Left is well positioned to pursue
that attack as they dominate our media, and our universities, our larger
cities, our minorities, our coastal regions and the minds of our largest voter generation: Millennials.
Thus, we now see and feel the nation’s serious oscillation as the Left
throws it weight around in Congress.
A Powerful Weapon
There is a very powerful weapon which has no caliber
dimension. It is quiet. It does not involve gunpowder, at least,
not at first. And yet, this weapon has probably maimed and destroyed the
lives of more people, over time, than any other. From the Spanish
Inquisition, to the Third Reich, to New York’s City Council, this is the weapon
that bad people put to the head of whole societies.
This very effective weapon is simply – The Law.
Once the ability to make and manipulate law falls into the hands of
unprincipled people like Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, and a whole
host of Democrat lawmakers, they are then able to do as they please, as we
presently see. Justice, basic fairness, and ethical principles no longer
matter. "What I want to do," becomes all that really matters
when one holds the power to make the rules.
And, indeed, this militant weaponization of the law to
pervert, rather than serve and protect, justice, is not just a momentary
aberration with Democrats. It is the very template of their political
operations. For example, we have only to listen to both the tone and the
substance of the speeches spewing out of Burney Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and
Beto O’Rourke, to easily note their intention to use the law against the less
empowered, once they become the greatly empowered.
From dictating the size of your soft drink, to
violently taking away your means of self-defense, to raising taxes to
astronomical levels, to deciding whether or not you are qualified for a medical
procedure, to killing unborn and newborn children, to erasing our national
borders, to wastefully giving away our national wealth and capacity for success
through bad trade deals, to “railroading” a duly elected president from office,
it’s the law which has the power to do all of this, and more.
Surely, we should be extremely careful to only
ever surrender such an awesome weapon to very highly principled
lawmakers. However, if that were the case, I’m pretty sure all present
day Washington Democrats would fail such a background check – hands down.
What is sustaining today’s Democrat Party? What enables it to continue? I have been very observant of their political
positions and tactics for decades now. And,
I simply cannot figure out what moves otherwise intelligent people to become and
stay Democrats.
And, I’m not really thinking so much about Washington, New
England, and West Coast Democrats. It
seems obvious that those regions have succumbed to a kind of mob mechanism. In those areas it appears that divergence has
become so dangerous to one’s personal status quo (job, social standing, etc.) that
most people are forced to go along, just to get along.
But, for the rest of the country where free speech and free thought
are still a reality, I’m puzzled. I just can’t see what could possibly cause a reasonable
person to follow this oppressive, hateful, and deceitful party leadership which
now embraces the most abhorrent things and is grossly intolerant of individual
This is a party which promotes the killing of unborn, and even
newborn, children – abhorrent actions to any sane mind. It is a party which would gut the most broadly
prosperous nation on Earth by replacing its wildly successful Capitalistic economic
system with Socialism, which has never worked, and by nature must, and indeed,
has always become oppressive of the masses under its influence.
Democrats advocate for Globalism over national borders,
believing that such a one world circumstance (which removes all barriers to wide
spread of human depravity) is better than individualized cultures (which serve
to buffer and baffle such pandemics). It’s
as if they have no awareness of a human history filled with cruel “Hitlers” inflicting
unbridled suffering.
This party now wishes for, works toward, and exemplifies a
culture which would extinguish faith, family structure, and moral and ethical
absolutes. It is a party which treats
“nationalism,” as a dirty word, and uses it to disparage American patriotism.
From completely fabricated impeachment charges,
to wildly exaggerated climate claims, to The Green New Deal, it all just leaves
me wondering. What in the world could be
attracting otherwise intelligent people to such ideological madness?
The Foundations
In Psalm 11, the writer posed this question. “If the foundations be destroyed, what can
the righteous do?” It would seem that in
these very dishonored American times perhaps we should revisit that age old
question in the interest of a brutally honest reality check. Indeed, what are we doing to the foundations
which sustain us as a people, what are we quietly allowing others to do to them,
and what options will be left, even to conscientious people, should our national
foundations be entirely destroyed?
For example, what are we doing when we elect people whose
ambition is not a sincere and limited term of service to their country, but who
desire a career by which their country serves them for a life time? And, what are we doing when we carelessly allow
them to disappear down the “rabbit hole” that is Washington D. C. and do next
nothing to solve our nation’s problems and enable her aspirations?
On this very day, with our southern border at grave risk, our
immigration laws in shambles, our law enforcement officers being openly challenged
in the streets by anarchists and hoodlums, our free speech being threatened by ideological
militants at our political rallies, in our universities, in our corrupt press,
and in social media – nevertheless – Congress is on a six week vacation.
Every day now, our country is being further divided, not by
legitimate differences or grievances, but by ideological spin doctors and pot
stirrers merely looking for political advantage and personal profit at great
expense to the nation’s cohesion and social health – nevertheless – Congress is
on a six week vacation. And sadly, their
presently undetectable approval rating would seem to indicate that most of us now
actually prefer them on vacation instead of coming into what they call “work”
(politically corrupt investigations and leisurely lunches).
I Was Entirely Mistaken

I once thought that most Americans shared this view. I am now convinced that, if this was ever
true, it is no longer true today in the majority. I believe that today the majority of
Americans, serve only their personal, momentary expedient regarding morality,
social interactions, and politics.
What happened in the U S Senate on Monday only underscores
this thought. The senate was unable
to pass the bill introduced by Senator Ben Sasse, of Nebraska, which protected
the life of our newborn children.
The bill made it a crime to intentionally kill a child (for any
reason) which had just been born alive.
The bill failed to pass because only 3 Democrats were willing to vote in
favor of protecting our newborns from a segment of our society which has gone
morally insane.
I have long known that the Democrat Party was a party of
grievance politics. For my lifetime (70
years), at least, they have merely cobbled together various people groups who
feel they have been wronged or disadvantaged somehow by society. And the Dems have been able to successfully coalesce
these grievance groups into an effective political machine to gain and maintain
political power.
But, that’s about all they’ve done, really. Democrats have not solved our large and inner
city problems which they have largely controlled. They have created greater racial tensions –
not less. They have created economic
problems wherever they have held power.
And, they have dragged down the moral, character, and international
standing of the country every time they have been entrusted with national
But, I always thought there was a line out there
somewhere, that the Democrat constituency would not cross merely to achieve
their personal interests. Monday’s vote
in the senate indicates that I was entirely mistaken.
The Puppeteers
Where there is an earthquake, there is an epicenter.
And, that epicenter is where the real force of the outflow movements are
concentrated. And, to be sure, the same is true of the sociopolitical
movements which are occurring in America, right now. They are being
caused by a very well developed and well organized central force.
I am an ordinary, born and bred, U.S. citizen of 70
years. I am a person of no great reputation. And, I fully expect to
die in anonymity. But, what I am not, is stupid.
When I look at what is presently going on in America, it is
very obvious that there are very real “puppeteers” pulling the strings of our
more naive population in these herky-jerky times. And certainly, there
have always been manipulative movers and shakers who have attempted to do the
same. But, in prior times, they were not so well armed with degenerate
school systems, Facebook, Twitter, and a national “propaganda news” platform
etc. And now, they are.
Obviously, these “string pullers” know very well how to
employ these new advantages at this very strategic time – a time when we have
several emerging generations which are largely soulless. And, even this
strategic timing is no accident.
These burgeoning “puppet generations” have actually been
carefully fashioned by the very puppeteers who now manipulate their every
move. For decade upon decade, our children have been unwittingly
bombarded from every direction with the hypocritical values of these who have
now become their psychological overlords. From the cartoons our children
watched, to godless public schools, to even more devilish universities, our
younger population has been taught, “Reject all previous values and
establish your own, based solely in your own nobility of thought.”
And sadly, the puppeteers have been so effective in their
subtlety that these puppet generations actually believe they are doing
that. But, in fact, they are really just mindlessly responding to the
string pullers. And so, every day they join their peer puppet group in
the Facebook, or Twitter, or the propaganda news coral to swallow whatever
moral slop they may be fed before they move on in whatever direction the
puppeteers may decide on, for that day. And, every day, when this sad process
is finished, they adjudge it to have been, indeed, “noble.”
Thus, we are left with these burgeoning generations which
can no longer tell the difference between true good and evil, true right and
wrong because they recognize nothing larger than themselves and the one small
moment of time in which they are living. What they don’t know, and likely
never will, is that true nobility of thought and action only ever flows out of
an abiding connection to the larger moral reality – not the absence of that connection.
An Open Letter to Law Enforcement
To the true “Blue Bloods” of our society – Thank
you for your stellar service. It
is so very much appreciated by those who are conscientious and lawful in
American society. The real facts, and
the true numbers and statistics regarding police actions, very clearly confirm
just how conscientious, balanced, and professional you are in doing your job every
day in this diverse and complex society.
It is a well understood tactic among the elitist social experimenters
of our time that in order to remake a society, you must first divide its people
in order to break down its unified resistance to forced change. And this tactic is most easily employed along
gender, racial, and economic lines to shatter a nation into nothing more than a
group of weak and chaotic opposition groups.
And, in these dark days of so called “Progressive” leadership that is
exactly what is occurring.
It is a tactic as old as Cain and Able. Instead of acknowledging the positive and
seeking to employ and build on that, the “Progressives” find it easier to
exaggerate the small negatives to the point that they become outright
lies. But, informed and balanced people
in this nation know very well that there is no widespread “War on Women,” no “White
Supremacy Attitude,” no “Justice System Bias,” and no “American colonialism” in
present day America.
These are all just straw men, set up by Progressive “spin
men” to divide us and destroy our national integrity. And, except for the normal parade of
“Progressive” minions, the only ones who really buy into these myths are the
lazy, the ner’ do wells, the anarchists, and a bunch of inexperienced college
kids who just go where the party is.
Sadly however, your reputation is just the latest to be
damaged by this hate-spewing “Progressive” propaganda machine in their assault
on American integrity and nobility. But,
here’s the thing. If all they have are a
small number of completely accidental and unintended deaths of lawbreakers who
were in the act or violently resisting arrest – It would seem the
thin blue line is still noble – and praise God for it – and for all of you.