Saturday, November 23, 2024

Doubled Down Devotion


Make no mistake, the leadership and devoted foot soldiers of the international communist movement are a potent satanic force.  And, they are, at their core, entirely driven by the satanic motives of deceit, violence, and the pursuit of world domination.  And, they are absolutely an all-in, well-practiced, and well-organized legion when it comes to burning down prosperous nations.  And now – it’s America’s turn. 

The singular and determined intention of these satanic human henchmen is to use their now long-practiced and seditious methods to entirely collapse traditional America.  Daily, they dream of and scheme for that communist America where all of the power and wealth are concentrated in their ruthless hands, and the masses then bow to them in abject servitude.

 On the other hand, many Americans are, even today, still greatly under informed as to how very invisible is the widespread communist entrenchment in America - and especially within the more recent Democrat administrations.  By its very nature, a seditious national take-over seeks to remain invisible for as long as possible.  And, American communists have absolutely done a masterful job of deceptively inserting themselves into strategic positions of power and influence.    

So, for many decades now, closeted communists have been devotedly working to gain the strategic positions and numerical sufficiency needed to topple this nation.  But, over those same decades, most Americans have been preoccupied – primarily seeking to live comfortable, essentially self-absorbed lives given mostly to raising the kids and paying the bills, so to speak.  And, their serious  “higher aspirations” typically involved little more than expanding their material ownership and their net worth – and that, primarily  to achieve a decreased level of responsibility and an increase in leisure time and devotion to their preferred pursuits. 

Now, think about it.  Given the stark difference between the motivations and preparedness of these two groups, the doggedly determined, world-changing communists vs. the average live-and-let-live American approach, how could anyone honestly doubt what will be the ultimate outcome of a struggle between these two.

All things remaining the same, that outcome is a foregone conclusion.  It will be Satan’s treacherous communist legions who will, indeed, ultimately prevail.  And, even with the positive outcome of the recent election, that fate remains a looming possibility for America.  Indeed, this nation still very vulnerably hangs by the single thread of a one term Trump presidency.  

So, obviously, all things cannot and must not remain the same.  If America is to avert our societal overthrow, we must now take quick advantage of this incoming administration to make some critical core changes – and not just in the social and political realms.  Indeed those changes are hugely important, but they are not the most important.

The larger reality is that America is under a spiritual assault.  And, while those assaulting forces may wear the chameleon skin of communism, and the dark face of the Democrat party, and speak with the deceptive voice of ABC news etc., nevertheless, all are still moved and guided by the mind of Satan.  Thus, this nation must have the good sense to pursue, not just positive sociopolitical changes, but also positive spiritual changes in order to prevail.    

In that regard, then, isn’t it far better to stop spending so much time talking to that completely intransigent political hand of our opponent, and simply take the hand of the One who made us.  If we have a case to make for our own survival, doesn’t it make more sense to get on our knees and humbly make it to the compassionate and Almighty God who raised up this nation in the first place?

Isn’t that smarter than endlessly conversing with the disinterested, the non-empowered, and the un-convincible? Surely that same level of energy, angst, and intellect are better used on One who actually has the power and inclination to help.  And, did I mention? He is ALMIGHTY!

Indeed, here is the true master key.  As God can notice a rising tide of humility and renewed devotion in our populace, He will be persuaded to raise up the needed political, social, and spiritual “cavalry” which can then effect our national rescue.

It’s simple really.  Go back to church, America.  Humble yourself.  Spend time with Him in prayer.  Trade in your religious busy work for real relational depth with your Living Savior.  Double down on your devotion. It’s really only then, that we will be able to watch our enemies slink away much like they slithered in. 

Renew the divine friendship, America.  And then, trust this time tested promise of your most dependable Benefactor.  If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” ~ God

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Averting America's "Nightfall"

Years ago, when I was learning to fly, I read these words of wisdom from a highly experienced airline pilot. He was writing of the dangers of flying into inclement weather.  He said, “Remember, the weather is not what someone forecasts. The weather is what you see through the windshield.” 

            I have found this to be good, life-saving advice over the years – and, not just for aviators.  So, I also use this realistic approach in my everyday life. I try to assess reality according to what my mind’s eye can actually see through the windshield of the present moment. And here is one of those things.

            There is a simple operational principal which governs the quality of both our personal and our national relationship with God.  It is revealed in the New Testament writings of the apostle, James.   There, he said, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”  Simple, right?  And, the reciprocal principal is just as simple and just as true for both an individual and a nation. It is this.  Draw away from God, and by your movement, He is drawn away from you.

            And, when this parting movement comes to our relationship with God, there are always practical consequences due to this loss of His benevolent guardianship - consequences which become ever more dire as that relational distance widens.  Consequences like those which have happened in America over the last four years.

             For example, we have become a deeply divided and greatly weakened nation – fully immersed in a dark, downward spiral which now touches every facet of our society. Our own government, now deeply infiltrated with Marxist Democrats, has purposely invited a huge daily invasion of would-be foot soldiers through our southern border to eventually help topple our society.  And, that same government is now filled with disloyal politicians, bureaucrats, and political operatives, people who detest our way of life and daily plot its end.  Indeed, they are an imminent threat to our very existence as a free and prosperous nation. 

            And, our greatest societal defense, the rule of just laws, has greatly crumbled away under their seditious hand – as has the integrity of our elections. Prices have soared as the worth of the dollar has experienced a free fall, not due to natural forces, but by the willful design of these same seditious Marxist plotters – their plan being, to break the back of our prosperity and replace it with a Marxist system which has never led to anything but impoverishment of both treasure and soul.  And, beyond all of this, our military, judicial, and educational systems have been widely corrupted by the foolishness of their “woke” and socialist agendas.

            And one cannot help but notice the unusual movement of our salivating enemies. Communist Russia, the Chinese Communist Party, the psychopathic leaderships of Iran and North Korea, the lawless and brutal drug cartels, and the now way-out-of-the-closet Marxist Democrat Party are all now being drawn together toward the same nexus point – that being, America’s societal “nightfall.”

            Certainly, this massive and relatively sudden occurrence of dark events in America begs the question, “What is driving these unnatural, and yet, seemingly well-coordinated developments?” But to arrive at a truly encompassing answer to that question, we cannot limit our search to merely the physical dimension of life.  The full explanation for these movements simply doesn’t lie entirely within this physical dimension.  It also, and mostly, lies in the metaphysical (spiritual) dimension.

            It is a grave mistake to think that these dark difficulties which have engulfed this nation are just part of the normal social and geopolitical ebb and flow of this physical world.  For too long now, the gaze of too many has been deceptively abridged and misdirected by the satanic whispers which insist that our world should be viewed as self-contained, and thus, we should simply ignore the spiritual in favor of the more purely physical view of life. 

            Nevertheless, the true human reality remains unchanged by this lie of the Darkness.  In fact, that larger spiritual dimension of life surrounds, deeply impacts, and ultimately entirely governs the physical human existence every single day. So, if we truly wish to accurately explain our existence in any given moment, we must always take into account that spiritual reality, the God who rules it, and its ongoing war between God’s light and Satan’s darkness.  And, in fact, that war between good and evil is perhaps the strongest indicator of the daily impact of the spiritual dimension as it constantly spills over into our world in a multitude of ways, including those we’ve just mentioned.

            So, indeed, for too long now, our misdirected gaze has been mistakenly fixed only on the physical realities and the human perpetrators of America’s disintegration. And certainly, those elements are hugely important.  But they are still only the downstream results of the much more fundamental cause of our woes. 

            The real headwaters of our rapid national disintegration actually swirl out of that previously mentioned widespread relational withdrawal from God.  And these resulting political and social difficulties are just those afore mentioned practical consequences such as always flow from a nation’s willful relational retreat from Him.

            The historical pages of the Bible actually hold vivid and detailed accounts of ancient Israel’s times of such estrangement from God.  And, that relational distance was always created by the same behavioral pattern.  It was their broad departure from God in the rejection of His values, His truth, and His benevolent leadings – just as both the secular and religious segments of the American populace have been widely doing for decades now.

            Thus, this self-inflicted loss of God’s protective national guardianship has now come also to us.  The beginning point of that loss is easily marked by His non-intervention in that disaster that was our 2020 presidential election.  And, the seriousness of that loss is clearly underscored by the rapid pace and great depth of our national decline ever since. 

            But it would seem that now our compassionate Heavenly Guardian may actually be offering a divine “olive branch” to the nation in the form of this incoming and vastly more enlightened federal administration.  And, the rise of this political relief would further make it seem that these last four years were actually a very well-intentioned divine object lesson.  Seemingly, they were God’s cautionary way of clearly demonstrating to the nation the harsh reality which always emerges when our hearts begin to widely depart from Him – thus precipitating the loss of His protective interventions.

            Indeed, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the last four years were actually God’s very dramatic way of helping us to avert our complete societal failure.  Certainly, as a result of these past years, we are now much more aware of what is really at stake if our growing secular arrogance and widening shallowness in the Church go unchecked.  Those continuances will only widen that distance from God’s benevolent watchcare to finally precipitate that final, national failure.      

            So, history now waits to mark its record.  And, so must we also wait to see how present generations in America will treat this dawning opportunity to widely reestablish a truly respectful relationship with our divine Guardian and, in turn, know a wonderful national healing. 

            Thankfully, we have managed to overwhelmingly elect this new and more enlightened political leadership.  But that political good fortune is, by no means, all that’s required to effect America’s rescue from the huge satanic onslaught which has beset us.  The spiritual must also be kept in play.  It is imperative that we also face up to and address that much more fundamental issue:  our national relational rift with God.  That failing – no human administration will be sufficient to save us from what is already our looming societal collapse.

            So, the big questions remain. Will we go that whole distance which an American renewal truly requires – addressing not just the physical, but the spiritual requirements as well?  Will we take advantage of this burgeoning opportunity, however brief it may be, to truly and deeply fix America, including our now widely God-estranged heart? 

            Or – Will secular America just continue to grow ever more disrespectful and arrogant in their own delusional self-sufficiency?  And, Will our widespread pretense and minimized investment of heart, mind, and well-spent energy within the present American Church simply continue to spread even further across its ranks?  

            But one thing is not at all in question.  If we choose that latter course, those “consequential events” will just continue to unfold, in spite of this opportune election, finally pushing us into the abject darkness of our own final societal disintegration? 

            So, it is existentially critical, as individuals, as the Church, and as an imminently imperiled nation, that we come once again to a deeply honest humility before The Almighty.  Indeed, it must be a level of humility which will freshly enable us to embrace, to the very depths of our soul, this immutable truth.  “Genuine and durable prosperity, whether individual or national, ever resides vastly more in God’s up-close friendship than in the delusional arrogance of our own self-sufficiency.”  

            Certainly, time will clearly tell whether or not this nation was able to widely reach that level of humility.  But in either case –history will surely be able to mark its record relatively soon.