Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Decisive Battles

          P@ss It On  Article: 

The battle at Gettysburg was a pivotal point in the American Civil War.    And, the commanding generals of the southern forces all knew very well what was at stake.  They knew this could be a decisive battle which could decide the fate of their cause. And their shared hope was that a win at Gettysburg could bring an immediate and victorious end to the bloodshed.

One southern Brigadier General, Richard (Dick) Garnett, had been previously injured and could not walk to lead the infantry brigade which he commanded in their assault on the Union position. This meant he would have to ride his horse to lead his men in that advance – putting him in an elevated position and thus making of him a very easy target. 

So, his close friend, Brigadier General Louis Armistead, went to the commanding generals, Longstreet and Pickett, and asked each of them to order Garnett to stay behind.  Both refused, knowing that it would be a deeply felt affront to Garnett’s sense of duty and honor.

Finally, Armistead confronted Garnett, himself, and begged his friend to stay behind and not lead this charge which would mean almost certain death for him.  Calling Armistead by his nickname, "Lo,” this was Garnett’s answer to his friend.  Looking across that large open field of fire at the Union held heights, he said, “Lo – I gotta ride up there.” 

It was unthinkable to this honorable man that his brigade should advance while he remained safely at the rear. I suspect that in Garnett’s mind the peril of the battle greatly paled in comparison to the thought of betraying his own honor and self-respect.  Indeed, truly honorable men feel deeply that the betrayal of their own nobility is to leave their honor ever tarnished. And for men who travel in such admirable character circles as did Dick Garnett – that is simply unacceptable.

In a few days America will face another “Gettysburg” in this coming election.  It, too, will be a pivotal and pitched battle for the soul of this nation.  In honest, un-veneered terms, this election will, indeed, be the decisive battle in a now 100 year old war.  It is the conflict between America, a free and prosperous capitalist nation, rich in personal liberties, and the hellish darkness of a completely oppressive Marxist-Communism bent on achieving a world domination.

And, to our great embarrassment as a nation, unlike the noble Garnett, some in this present American generation are actually contemplating “just sitting this decisive battle out.”  Under the weight of their various disappointments, their intention is to opt out of even voting – choosing rather to ignore the issues of honor and devotion in the face of what is truly an existential threat to their nation.  

There is a proverb in the Bible which says this. “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance [the outlook] of his friend. [Brackets Added]   In that spirit of a brotherly intervention, may I offer this perspective on that non-participation outlook?

Do you really think it honorable not to make this “charge” in behalf of your own nobility, and the future of your children, your nation, and even the larger world?  You may have grievances. You may have been offended by one thing or another.  But surely your sophistication clarifies that reasonable people don’t put at risk a whole society to satisfy lesser grievances. 

Sometimes great gifts simply do not come in refined wrappings.  For goodness sake, can’t we just take the win of a vastly more enlightened leadership under a Trump administration and ignore those mostly irrelevant details arising around the flaws of personality – which, truth be told, we all have in abundance? Is absolute perfection across every dimension of a leader’s make-up the only standard that is acceptable?  I hope not, because I’m pretty sure the fulfillment of that standard won’t be available until Jesus returns. 

When I was a young boy, I practiced a certain flawed entertainment of my own.  I would sometimes elevate one end of a cardboard box and put a stick under it to hold it in that position.  Then I tied a string to the bottom end of the stick and sprinkled bread crumbs under the box. 

And then, I played out the string to the nearest shrub where I would hide and wait for some unsuspecting bird to venture under that box to eat those bread crumbs.  And when he did, I would jerk the string and the box would suddenly drop. And, in that instant, that unsuspecting bird was immediately and entirely stripped of his freedom to soar in the heavens which he had known all of his life.

For almost a century now, Marxists demons and dupes, wearing the face of Russian Communism, the Chinese Communist Party, and of late, the entirely Marxist conscripted Democrat Party in America, have been waiting in the dark weeds for an unsuspecting American generation to fall prey to their deadly treacheries.  It begs the question, “Are we that generation.”

If we are still casual and mostly unenlightened about the critical import of this present election, indeed, we are that generation.  If we still don’t clearly understand that this election is truly the decisive battle of that long war between the bright and broad blessings of Capitalism as opposed to the abject and oppressive darkness of Marxism – then, yeah, we definitely are that uninformed generation. 

If we still don’t see the absolute resolve, treachery, and power of the Marxist enemies of our way of life, then it is true.  We are that short-sighted generation.  And, if we are yet unaware of the deadliness of the natural alliance between the radical Islamist in Iran, the Marxist Russian Dictatorship, the Chinese Communist Party, the drug cartels, and the now way-out-of-the-closet Communist Democrat party – then, definitely, we’re that clueless generation. 

And, if we still don’t see the advanced infiltration of our Marxist enemies into our social fabric and our governmental seats of power – then all doubt is erased. We are definitely that careless American generation which will be the one to experience America’s final “nightfall.”  

And, that nightfall is, indeed, now terrifyingly close.  Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and the entire array of Democrat politicians at every level (federal, state, county, and local) and their media allies are now in lock-step.  Their aim is to bring this freedom loving nation under the permanent, iron-fisted rule of Marxism through this upcoming election.

And truly, they will not be stopped by a moody American populace in such intellectual disarray that we cannot see past the lies, the propaganda, and our own pet peeves. A populace which cannot make a solid decision to restore to this nation an enlightened governance and a firm resolve to immediately well-identify and fully best our enemies.

In this pivotal moment, the threat is absolutely imminent.  Our freedom to soar is very much at stake, right now – in this very decisive election.  Please, dear patriot, don’t sit this battle out.  You know you’re better than that.

Friday, September 20, 2024

A Terrifying Deficiency

When this election season started, I must admit, I was very concerned with the candidates, as one would expect.  And then I saw the TV interviews of those, so called, “ordinary voters” shortly after the Trump-Harris debate – and everything changed.

             And now, having seen and heard many more of those man-on-the-street type interviews since, I’m actually terrified at our prospects.  But now, it’s not as much about the candidates as what seems a multitude of small minded voters who appear clueless as to the more far-reaching and highly consequential issues which are absolutely in play in this truly existential election. 

             I know that America has some great people who have humbly dedicated their life to the pursuit of truth-based enlightenment.  And accordingly, they actually live principled lives.  They truly care about the quality of life in a world larger than their own foot print.  They daily reach for nobility of thought, words, and behavior.  And, they then employ that personal nobility to better the world – willingly accepting a gentle, daily responsibility for that larger state of well-being.

             I know those people are out there.  But, it seems there are not nearly so many as there used to be.  Yet, their counterparts appear to have multiplied exponentially somewhere along the way.  It seems we are now overrun with gullible, self-centered, short-sighted, and mentally simplistic types whose comprehension of “important” ends at the tip of their own nose. 

             And certainly, if the weight advantage of the American populace has, indeed, shifted to their ranks, then our now steeply downward national spiral is easily explained.  And, America’s imminent and irreversible “nightfall” is already a foregone conclusion. 

             Obviously, the consequences of a severely depleted national character is not something one can fix with a letter to the editor.  Indeed, I know of only one sure fix for that problem.  But, even The Almighty, before He can effect a national character renewal, requires a populace widely willing to honestly see and sorrowfully denounce their own degradation.  It begs the question, “Are we that people in this crucial moment?”  Sadly, there’s much evidence to the contrary.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The "State" of New York

How ironic this title:  The State of New York vs Donald J. Trump.  For a long time now, most of the rest of the country has been well aware of the “state” of New York,  i.e. its actual sociological condition.  And, it’s bad.  It’s really bad (Ref. Chuck Schumer, Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Andrew Cuomo.  If these are their best and brightest – case made.

 And, that is hugely more actual evidence than anyone has against Trump.  So obviously, Degenerated, is the real “state” that vs Trump.  And, Asleep at the Switch would seem to accurately tar the rest of our judicial system – especially A.G. Merrick Garland (the essence of the problem). 

 And, if anyone is wondering what a Marxist/Democrat government with a permanent lock on power would look like in America – you need wonder no longer.  It’s evident now in New York City.  Look there and be both enlightened and terrified by the plausible reality that it could actually happen this very election year. 

 After all, the 2020 election turned out to be a great dress-rehearsal.  And, the Dems did get a figurehead president which allowed a mostly unseen radical oligarchy to run the country off the social and economic rails.  And, it all went off with hardly a squeak from those who were empowered to do the squeaking.  So, certainly, I would suspect that the country can look for a serious attempt at that brass ring this year.

 And, if that power lock is achieved, rest assured, the January 6 style hearings will be played out on a much grander scale.  After all, we’re talking about empowered Marxism.  Even in America, it is still Marxism, the brutal parent philosophy of Communism which has left 100,000,000 dead around the world (and counting).

 “Oh, but it will be different here,” said the duped to the gullible.  It will be different, all right.  Ask Donald Trump.  He will quickly confirm the difference we can expect in coming days if we don’t do two things - get humble before God and learn a new song:  I am Principled Voter – hear me roar.