Sunday, June 9, 2024

The "State" of New York

How ironic this title:  The State of New York vs Donald J. Trump.  For a long time now, most of the rest of the country has been well aware of the “state” of New York,  i.e. its actual sociological condition.  And, it’s bad.  It’s really bad (Ref. Chuck Schumer, Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Andrew Cuomo.  If these are their best and brightest – case made.

 And, that is hugely more actual evidence than anyone has against Trump.  So obviously, Degenerated, is the real “state” that vs Trump.  And, Asleep at the Switch would seem to accurately tar the rest of our judicial system – especially A.G. Merrick Garland (the essence of the problem). 

 And, if anyone is wondering what a Marxist/Democrat government with a permanent lock on power would look like in America – you need wonder no longer.  It’s evident now in New York City.  Look there and be both enlightened and terrified by the plausible reality that it could actually happen this very election year. 

 After all, the 2020 election turned out to be a great dress-rehearsal.  And, the Dems did get a figurehead president which allowed a mostly unseen radical oligarchy to run the country off the social and economic rails.  And, it all went off with hardly a squeak from those who were empowered to do the squeaking.  So, certainly, I would suspect that the country can look for a serious attempt at that brass ring this year.

 And, if that power lock is achieved, rest assured, the January 6 style hearings will be played out on a much grander scale.  After all, we’re talking about empowered Marxism.  Even in America, it is still Marxism, the brutal parent philosophy of Communism which has left 100,000,000 dead around the world (and counting).

 “Oh, but it will be different here,” said the duped to the gullible.  It will be different, all right.  Ask Donald Trump.  He will quickly confirm the difference we can expect in coming days if we don’t do two things - get humble before God and learn a new song:  I am Principled Voter – hear me roar.